In Routine Contact, Troopers, VPSOs Say Man Assaulted Them, Causing Injury
Multiple Troopers, Village Public Safety Officers Say They Were Assaulted – In The Field & At Trooper Post In Glennallen Location: G...
Multiple Troopers, Village Public Safety Officers Say They Were Assaulted – In The Field & At Trooper Post In Glennallen
Location: Glennallen
Type: Assault 4 x3 on Law Enforcement OfficersDispatch Text:
On 12/13/2022 Glennallen AST and VPSOs responded to the McKinley building for a public assist. VPSOs offered a ride to Dominick Mulville at his request to CRNA.
While being patted down for weapons prior to getting in a patrol vehicle, Dominick assaulted a Trooper.Dominick was arrested and transported to the Glennallen Post. While processing at the trooper post Dominick assaulted a VPSO and a Trooper causing injury. Dominick was held until arraignment where a judge set his bail to $3,000 Cash Performance bail. He was transported to MSPT in Palmer.