56-Year-Old Palmer Pilot Charged After Flying Without A License, Defying FAA Rules
FAA Says William Marsan, Who Has Operated A Palmer Flightseeing Company Named "Sound Aviation" Says He's A "Free Citizen...

FAA Says William Marsan, Who Has Operated A Palmer Flightseeing Company Named "Sound Aviation" Says He's A "Free Citizen" And Not Bound By Government Rules
Palmer Alaska Airstrip (Photo, Palmer City) |
A longtime commercial pilot from Palmer, acting on his belief in the "sovereign citizens" movement, was sent to court on Tuesday, July 23rd and faces significant jail time and fines for piloting a plane without a license if found guilty.
According to a story in the Anchorage Daily News, William Marsan, wearing a yellow prison jumpsuit and leg chains, told the federal court at a hearing that he objected to the proceedings. He said, "I am not a U.S. citizen. I am a member of the public as an American State Citizen."
He told the judge (said ADN), "I don't consider myself the defendant. I am a living man. I don't belong here," the Daily News reported. He said he would be acting as his own lawyer.
According to charges, Marsan didn't renew his medical certificate in 2020, canceled his plane's registration, continued to fly without a license or the registration, and in June, 2023, almost hit another plane trying to land at the Palmer Airport, when he took off without radio notice against the flow of traffic, authorities say. The charges also said that he covered up the registration stickers on his plane with "Z" stickers that some sovereign citizens use on illegal vehicle license plates in defiance of state and federal laws.
(See sample alternative sovereign citizen license plates below from a federal website. Marsan was not charged with making a vehicle license plate.)
News stories were unclear about whether Marsan had continued to run his longtime flightseeing company, Sound Aviation, after he withdrew from FAA rules and oversight.
However, while operating Sound Aviation, Marsan got very good reviews on TripAdvisor. As late as August, 2019. Leanne G of Wisconsin wrote: "It was a wonderful trip and we were out flying for hours! Bill and his family are super friendly..." There were a number of other positive reviews in the same time period.
Examples of "Sovereign Citizen" Car Drivers' Licenses (Photo, FBI Website) |