Upstream (Correspondence) Graduates, Class Of 2020

Jonathan Dorsey Favorite Food: Quesadilla Favorite Music: Acoustic guitar Favorite Activities: Fishing , hunting, camping, and spendi...

Jonathan Dorsey
Favorite Food: Quesadilla
Favorite Music: Acoustic guitar
Favorite Activities:
Fishing , hunting, camping, and spending time with family
Favorite HS Memory: Learning new skills in shop class
Favorite HS Teachers: Mr. Popp was an excellent shop teacher and role model. Mr. Stickney and Mr. Rogers are both talented and gifted teachers.
Downsides to School Closure:
Guitar lessons and shop classes closed, and I was not able to spend time with friends.
Upside to School Closure: My sister had to switch to online college classes, so she is home instead of in California.
Plans after HS: I plan to work all summer, go to Colorado, and enroll in AVTEC.
Scholarship: American Legion Scholarship, $1500
Goals in 10 years: I plan to be successfully working in a trade.
Thanks to: My brothers, Josh and Ian, have been great role models. They have been an example of hard work and have taken us fishing and hunting.
Jonathan Dorsey
Inspirational Quote: “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that gives to all men liberally and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.” James 1:5 The Holy Bible
Favorite Family Memory: We used to say that Johnny had “puppy phobia” because our Great Pyrenees dog, Leroy, would knock him over into the snow. Leroy thought he was escaping and needed to be rescued. Johnny had to keep a look out for Leroy when he went outside.
First Career Goal: Bob the Builder
Proud Parents, Kevin & Kathy Dorsey: Johnny is always a pleasure to be around. He has a lot of common sense, is very reliable, and has a good sense of humor. He is always willing to work and lend a helping hand. He works expecting nothing in return.

Words are inadequate to express how proud we are of you. You are an amazing and bright young man with great potential. You have brought so much joy to each member of our family.
May God bless you and guide you in the path that is ahead of you.

Grace Elizabeth Jacobsen
Favorite Foods: Can’t pick
Favorite Music: Pop
Favorite Activities: Singing, basketball, reading, and binging Netflix
Favorite HS Memory: All the late night basketball trips that included workouts with Jubilee at 1 in the morning because we couldn’t stop laughing; the many, many wall-sits and pushups that we had to do, and much, much more.
Grace Jacobsen
Favorite HS Teacher: Mrs. Rude because she always went out of her way to help her students, no matter what. Not to mention the fact that she had to put up with me and Karis in music class together.
Downsides to School Closure: Music regions being canceled, not being able to finish basketball season, and not having a traditional graduation.
Upsides to School Closure: None
Plans after HS: After graduation I plan to attend Mesa Community college in Phoenix for two years to get my associate’s. Then transfer over to ASU to get my bachelor’s and get my degree in early childhood education so I can become an elementary teacher.
Goals in 10 years: See where life has taken me
Thanks to: My parents, friends, and teachers
Inspirational Quote: “The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you got to put up with the rain.” Dolly Parton
Favorite Family Memories: When Grace was about 5, she started a "bug club," which included her sisters and a couple of neighbor girls. They would collect and observe the local bugs in our California neighborhood, like roly-poly bugs, ants, jumping spiders, snails, etc.
First Career Goal: She's always wanted to have her own zoo!
Proud Parents, Leif & Heidi Jacobsen: Grace’s compassion for people and animals make us proud. Grace is a character ... a one of a kind. We have been so blessed to have the privilege to be her parents. 
We have been graced with this beautiful young lady. 

Grace, we are very thankful to have you as our daughter. Your sense of humor is contagious. You are a compassionate person. This is so clearly seen in your concern and care for your animals. Even though you do not see eye to eye with your siblings at times, your loving concern for them is obvious. You are a leader without knowing it. We have seen your strong stance on things you believe in. Consequentially, you have influenced others in our family in a good way. You are so gifted with young children. Noticing your ability to connect and care for them has been wonderful to witness. Musically you are so gifted. You bring beauty and inspiration when you sing. Apart from all of that, you are beautiful Grace! A true gift from God! We love you and are so proud of you! Grace, we pray that you will see His grace expressed in your life. Not only for your good but for the good of others and most importantly for Him. Grace, your name says it all—undeserved favor and blessings from God.

Moses Korth
Moses Ambler Korth
Favorite Foods: Whatever I'm eating at the time ... except onions; anything but that.
Favorite Music: I'm not picky. If it's clean, I usually like it.
Favorite Activities: Wrestling
Favorite HS Memory: Summer break
Favorite HS Teacher:
Mrs. Rude, she is a good teacher.
Upside to School Closure: Free lunch delivery
Plans after HS: Attend ACC for 1 year to acclimate myself to a college environment, then spend 3 years at UAF to get a BA in justice.
Scholarships: UA Scholar Award | Copper River Basin Lions Club Scholarship, $500.00 | CVT Scholarship, $1500
Thanks to: I would like to thank my parents.
Inspirational Quote: “A cat in gloves catches no mice.” Benjamin Franklin
Favorite Memories: When he was about 4-years-old, we were building our house. My dad was in Alaska with me, and Moses wanted to help with all the nail pounding and screwing. But he was too young to use the tools. So I picked up a hammer, a nail, and a piece of wood and asked him to pound that nail through that block of wood. For hours we saw him in the middle of the yard as he aimlessly pounded that nail through the wood. Finally, after 4 hours, he proudly came up to me with the block impaled. “I did it, Dad!” he said with excitement. To my surprise, I commended him and told him, “That’s great Mo; now take it out.” Without hesitation, he commenced to undoing what he had just done. Four hours later, Moses came up to me with a smile on his face and a block of wood with a hole in it. He had somehow maneuvered that nail back out of that hole. Boy was he proud. I really was dumbfounded. He had done something I didn’t think a boy his age could do. It took him 8 straight hours, but he did it.
First Career Goal: Moses has always held a place in his heart for those overworked and wounded in the ministry. His first goal for a job included a place of respite for burdened pastors and missionaries. He was about 6-years-old.
Proud Parents, Derek & Ellie Korth: Perseverance became Moses’s theme. In his schoolwork, his brain reverses everything he reads. As his teachers, we thought it best to subscribe to audio books so he could listen to his required works. When we started seeing other problems in his school work, we changed course and asked him to go back to the discipline of reading. He hated it at first. Eventually, he saw that his dyslexia had become a gift that forced him to work so much harder than others in our household. He may spend 3 times longer pouring over every word and sounding out every word just to keep up with his brothers and sisters. I am proud of his attitude as he had the opportunity to take shortcuts in his studies, but agreed with us that good old fashioned reading was his best route.
The other area of perseverance we recognized in his life was in his wrestling. Moses loved to wrestle, but he didn’t do as well as he had hoped. Accidents on and off the mat broke his arm, fingers, and ankle at different times in his career. He put his hand through a table saw one time and burned his same hand doing a trick with lighter fluid. That didn’t go so well. Through the discouragement of these setbacks, Moses wanted to quit. If nothing else, it hindered his ambition to continue, but he kept on. He got very ill just before his Senior state wrestling tournament and lost 20 pounds. He wrestled 160 but weighed 145. He had to guzzle water and chocolate milk just to get up to the 147 pound cutoff weight.

Continue aiming for the stars, Moses. Dedicate your time and efforts toward those who want you to be in their lives. You are a treasure that is hidden and seen only by those willing to find you. Keep your chin up when doubters are in the room. Hold your ground and keep your ears listening to the voice of God. And remember your own words when you were 5-years-old, "Perseverance, try, try, try, don't give up, Daddy."

You bring an energy to the room when you start a story Mo. Your eyes get big when the wheels in your head start to spin. You change your voice when your creative juices start to flow and your Dr. Jekyll laughter has its own humorous stamp. This we will miss when you are away. We thank God for the first 18 years of you.

Elayna Robinson

Elayna Marie Robinson

Favorite Foods: My favorite food is anything from Chick-fil-A.
Favorite Music:
My favorite song is “Heaven on Earth” by Stars Go Dim.
Favorite Activities: My favorite sport is soccer.
Favorite HS Memory: My favorite memories from my time at Glennallen High School are hanging out with my friends on volleyball trips.
Favorite HS Teacher: Mrs. Rude is my favorite CRSD teacher. Taking her theater class has allowed me to be a more confident individual.
Plans after HS:
Attend Liberty University to earn a degree in biomedical sciences.
Goals in 10 years: Be married and in residency to become an obstetrician.
Thanks to: I want to thank my family for loving and supporting me all these years.
Inspirational Quote: “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” C.S. Lewis
Favorite Family Memory: It is still a joke in our family that when we played hide and go seek, she would push her little brother ahead to check the dark corners (in case Daddy was there, because he would always jump out to scare them).
First Career Goal: Warrior Princess
Proud Parents, Dean & Rebekah Robinson: We are proud of her tender heart for hurting people.
We are so proud of all your hard work over the years, with school and sports, with chores and jobs. It has been a joy to be your parents, as we have seen you grow into a lovely young woman. Our favorite thing has been to watch your relationship with God mature, and we are going to miss you so much when you leave for college in a few months! Congratulations, Mom and Dad

Jonathan Severs
Favorite Food: Chicken
Favorite Activities: Snowmachining
Favorite HS Memory: Joking with people in the welding shop
Favorite HS Teacher: Bob Stickney was always there to help when I needed it.
Downside to School Closure: Not being able to spend time with friends.
Upside to School Closure: Being able to spend more time with my family.
Jonathan Severs
Scholarships: Copper River Basin Lions Club Scholarship, $500.00 | Sy Neeley Memorial Scholarship, $1000.00 | American Legion Scholarship, $1500
Plans after HS: I will continue to work for Glennallen Fuel through this summer and will attend AVTEC in the fall to study Diesel/Heavy Equipment Technology.
Goals in 10 years: I would like to be working for a big diesel truck shop like Cummins or Ford.
Thanks to: My parents for everything they have done to support me.
First Career Goal: Cowboy or Farmer
Proud Parents, Jason & Teresa Severs: We are most proud of his work ethic—a hard worker; always accomplishing a job well. Jonathan will be attending AVTEC in Seward, AK, this fall. He has been accepted into their Diesel/Heavy Equipment Technology program.

Son, we are proud of your accomplishments and look forward to seeing what God will do with your life and the abilities He has given you. Love, Dad and Mom❤

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