DOT Copper Valley Construction Seasons

2020 CONSTRUCTION SEASON   Haggard Creek Section Of The Richardson Highway. (Photo, Country Journal) A. Rich Hwy MP 159-167 Recons...


Haggard Creek Section Of The Richardson Highway. (Photo, Country Journal)

A. Rich Hwy MP 159-167 Reconstruction (# Z622530000): This 3 year construction project will
bring the corridor up to current design standards. Project improvements include re-aligning
sections of the road to flatten sharp curves, adding 6-foot wide shoulders, constructing a new
bridge at Haggard Creek (MP161), replacing all culverts and repaving the road. Construction is
scheduled to begin this spring and be completed by October 15, 2022.

B. Rich Hwy MP 18-24 Resurfacing (# NFHWY00250): Project improvements include widening road shoulders, replacing guardrail, replacing damaged and/or failing culverts and repaving the road.
Construction is scheduled to begin this spring and be completed by October 15, 2020.

C. Rich Hwy MP 51-65 Resurfacing (# NFHWY00358): This will be the second and final season for this active construction for this project. The project is replacing damaged and failing culverts and
repaving the road. Construction is scheduled to be completed by July 31, 2020.

D. Tok Cutoff MP 38-50 Rehabilitation (#NFHWY00147): This project is in its second and final
season to rehabilitate the Tok Cutoff Highway between MP 38-50. Improvements will include
bridge rehabilitation at the Indian River Bridge, roadside hardware, drainage, and utility
relocations. Construction is scheduled to be completed by September 30, 2020.

A. Rich Hwy MP 138-148 Rehabilitation (# Z606380000): Project is currently being designed.
Project improvements include replacing damaged and/or failing culverts and repaving the road.
Construction is scheduled to begin the spring of 2021 and be completed in the fall of 2021.

B. Rich Hwy MP 82-97 Resurfacing (# NFHWY00510): Project is currently being designed. This
project will replace damaged and/or failing culverts and repave the road. Construction is
scheduled to begin the spring of 2021 and be completed in the fall of 2021.

C. Burma Pit Road Little Tonsina Bridge Replacement (# NSHWY00479): Project is currently being designed. This project will replace the Little Tonsina Bridge on Burma Pit Road near Richardson Hwy MP 74.2. Construction is scheduled to begin the spring of 2021 and be completed in the fall of 2021.

D. McCarthy Road MP 27 Chokosna River Bridge Replacement (#NFHWY00125): Replace the
Chokosna River Bridge. C Construction is scheduled to begin the spring of 2021 and be
completed in the fall of 2021. This project is mostly funded with a grant from the Federal Lands
Access Program (FLAP) grant.

A. Rich Hwy MP 35-51 Resurfacing (# NFHWY00133): Project is currently being designed. This
project includes bridge repairs/upgrades at the Tsaina River, Stuart Creek, and the 2 Tiekel River
bridges. Improvements also includes replacing damaged and/or failing culverts and repaving the
road. Construction is scheduled to begin the spring of 2022 and be completed in the fall of 2022.

B. Lake Louise Road Resurfacing #(NFHWY00481): Project is currently being designed. This project will do spot repairs as needed between MP 9-19 on Lake Louise Road with a chip seal or high
float surfacing. Drainage and embankment work will be included as needed. Construction is
scheduled to begin the spring of 2022 and be completed in the fall of 2022.

A. Rich Hwy MP 167-173 Reconstruction (# Z631860000): Project is currently in design. The
project is expected to take 2 years to construct and will bring the corridor up to current design
standards. Project improvements include re-aligning sections of the road to flatten sharp curves,
adding 6-foot wide shoulders, replacing all culverts and repaving the road. Construction is
scheduled to begin the spring of 2023 and be completed in the fall of 2024.

B. Rich Hwy MP 128-138 Rehabilitation (# NFHWY00265):
– Project is currently in design. Project improvements include replacing damaged and/or failing culverts and repaving the road.
Construction is scheduled to begin the spring of 2023 and be completed in the fall of 2023.

C. Rich Hwy MP 115-128 Rehabilitation (# NFHWY00355): Project is currently in design. Project
improvements include a new bridge at Bear Creek (MP 125.9), Gulkana Bridge repairs/upgrades,
replacing damaged and/or failing culverts and repaving the road. Construction is scheduled to
begin the spring of 2024 and be completed in the fall of 2024.

D. Rich Hwy MP 65-80 Rehabilitation (# NFHWY00149): – Project is currently in design. Project
improvements include bridge repairs/upgrades on the Tonsina River and Squirrel Creek bridges,
replacing damaged and/or failing culverts and repaving the road. Construction is scheduled to
begin the spring of 2025 and be completed in the fall of 2025.

E. Rich Hwy MP 97-115 Resurfacing (# NFHWY00218): – Project is currently in design. Project
improvements include bridge repairs/upgrades on the Tazlina River, Klutina River and Rock
Creek bridges, replacing damaged and/or failing culverts and repave the road. Construction is
scheduled to begin the spring of 2025 and be completed in the fall of 2025.

F. Rich Hwy MP 173-185 Reconstruction: This was a proposed project start in the 2018-2021 STIP,
but was removed in the draft 2020-2023 STIP. Numerous new project starts in all regions were
removed in the new STIP due to fiscal constraint and shortage of funding statewide for all
National Highway System projects. Northern Region intends to bring this project back for scoring
consideration to be put into the STIP again, but there is no certainty on project start timing or
construction year at this time.

G. Glenn Hwy MP 142-172 Rehabilitation: Northern Region intends to bring a new project start to
nominate/score in the near future STIP. Likely that it will be a 10-mile section in this corridor to be
nominated first, depending on priority from our maintenance forces. Timing of start and
construction year uncertain at this time, but it is on our wish list as it has been some time since
projects have occurred in this segment.


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