Farewell Picnic For Michelle Eastty At KCAM On Wednesday, June 30th From 11 am to 2 pm
Michelle Eastty Of KCAM Leaving For New Radio Gig In International Falls, Minnesota Michelle Eastty with Scott Yahr, broadcasting a hocke...

Michelle Eastty Of KCAM Leaving For New Radio Gig In International Falls, Minnesota
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Michelle Eastty with Scott Yahr, broadcasting a hockey game. (Photo, Michelle Eastty) |
When Michelle Eastty first came to KCAM on a summer missions program in June of 1997 she was leaning to print journalism. She went on to get a background in print journalism at UAF, and came back to KCAM full-time in 2003.
Over the years, Michelle held the official title of Program Director at the radio station. After fellow DJ George Reichman left, she was the morning show host. George also trained her how to announce hockey games.
Now, Michelle is leaving for a new life. Her new job is as Program Director for KBHW/KADU Radio in International Falls, Minnesota.
Originally from Texas and Nevada, Michelle has never spent a lot of time in Minnesota to this point.
International Falls is known world-wide for its cold weather. But, as Michelle says, "They told me it could be 30 below. I said, I'm from Glennallen Alaska -- what else have you got? Well, they said, We've got really big mosquitoes..."
Michelle's departure will mark a dramatic change at KCAM. Scott Yahr, the station's longtime General Manager, died on February 1st, 2021. His unexpected loss has been dramatic.
For Michelle, losing Scott has been personal, too. "He was more than a boss and a coworker," she said. "He was my mentor. He was my big brother. He was the family I had here. We went through a lot of difficult things together [in managing station transitions] that we had to deal with together, and got through it together."
Scott knew a lot about broadcasting. "Scott had his broadcasting diploma. I never had any broadcasting training. I had the writing background that definitely helped. He taught me what I know about broadcasting and even managing the station... Besides the radio, he taught me how to filet fish, and dress out a moose, split firewood and all those Alaskan things. Fish wheels. Road kill lists. Building woodsheds. Building my house -- we did a lot of the finish work. I feel his print is on everything in my life; he would do anything to help anybody...."
But now, for Michelle:
"It's time. Who knows? A new adventure. I've already connected with the people there."
On June 30th, KCAM will be holding a picnic in Glennallen at the station from 11 am to 2 pm to say goodbye. Michelle will be leaving KCAM on July 2nd.