CRNA Steps Up To The Plate With New High-End Day Service Medical Clinic

  CRNA' s New Tazlina F acilities At Mile 111.5 Richardson Highway. ( Photo,  Copper River Native Association) Copper River Native...

CRNA's New Tazlina Facilities At Mile 111.5 Richardson Highway. (Photo,  Copper River Native Association)

Copper River Native Association Provides In-House Lab, One-Day Covid-19 Testing & Medical Service To Residents

The Copper River Country Journal spoke with Paul Rude, of the Copper River Native Association (CRNA), about the facilities at the Robert Marshall Building in Tazlina and the services CRNA provides to the entire Copper River Valley.

Call CRNA at 822-5241

Our Region Now Has Two Clinics, Which Is Good To Know
There are two "ambulatory clinics" in the Copper Valley now, with CRNA getting on board, joining Cross Road on the front lines in the coronavirus epidemic. Neither are actual "hospitals" with hospital beds. But with CRNA's new facility the level of care available in the region has greatly increased through added local staffing and technology which is important during this difficult time. 

Open Daily During The Week
The Copper River Native Association's clinic at Mile 111.5 Richardson Highway is providing weekday medical service to local people who need it. (This service is available to all residents, regardless of race.) 

CRNA is open 8 to 5 pm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and 8 to 5:30 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It also runs a Triage Line, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, which directs you to care in off-hours. The CRNA phone number is 822-5241.

Full Lab On Site, Including One-Day Coronavirus Test
The Copper River Native Association is unusual in that it has a full laboratory on site. On Wednesday, April 8th, a rapid test for coronavirus had been installed at CRNA that was capable of providing one-day testing for the virus.  This is a major advance for the region, and for Alaska in general. Tests throughout the U.S. have frequently needed at least a week in turnaround time. 

CRNA Has A Large & Varied Medical Staff
There are two laboratory technicians working at CRNA, with backup support from the Alaska Native Medical Center in Anchorage. There's a doctor, Rebecca Robinson, who specializes in internal medicine and family practice, a family nurse practitioner, a physician's assistant, a paramedic, a dentist who is trained in emergency medicine, a dental hygienist, approximately 9 EMT's, 3 registered nurses – and CRNA works with six community health aides. 

CRNA Also Has A Pharmacy
The Copper River Native Association also has a pharmacy. During this time of coronavirus, the pharmacy provides curbside service outside the building at Mile 111.5 Richardson in Tazlina. Call 822-5241 for details. 

CRNA is greeting everybody outside in a heated tent. (Photo, CRNA)
If You Have Respiratory Distress, CRNA Will Greet You At A Tent Outside The Building With Medical Personnel
Paul Rude of CRNA described the method used if you arrive at CRNA for medical help. At the current time, everybody is screened outside the building at a special tent during business hours (and that means "everybody" who arrives at CRNA.)

What if you're worried, though, about having coronavirus? First call CRNA at 822-5241. When you get to CRNA in Tazlina there will be a large tent outside the building.  "Your first step as a respiratory patient is to park your car," said Paul. "We'll come outside to you at your vehicle. Your initial medical discussion with the medical team will be outside, at your car." 

The tent is heated. If you are uncomfortable talking in your car, you'll be taken into the heated tent. However, the entire interview can be conducted comfortably in your car, including getting your vital signs, and even taking a coronavirus test. "The entire medical exam can be conducted from the car," Paul Rude said. 

"If the patient arrives in respiratory distress they will be taken into respiratory urgent care inside, and will be put into isolation," said Paul Rude of CRNA. For patients who are extremely ill with respiratory distress (as well as for car accidents and other "normal"  non-Covid-19 incidents) CRNA has an emergency care team, and a newly completed trauma bay that is available to people of all races.

Safety Measures: Isolation Rooms At CRNA
 CRNA offers safety to both patients and staff through three "negative air pressure" isolation rooms. Air is vented from the room, and doesn't mix with air in the rest of the building. It's filtered and expelled. 

(Photo: CRNA)
Interaction With Cross Road
Because CRNA has limited service hours, it's always important to call ahead at 822-5241 for either direct service, or to get the Triage Line. Cross Road is open 24/7, and is just up the road.

Ambulance Services
There are now two ambulance services in the Copper Valley.  One is Delta Medical Transport, which is based in the former Copper River EMS ("CREMS") ambulance barn beside Cross Road Medical Center in Glennallen. The other, which is now called "CREMS" is based out of Kenny Lake. 

CRNA recommends you first call one of the medical centers if you have respiratory problems, for guidance. If you need an ambulance,  ambulance services can be reached by dialing 911 if that is necessary. 

Medevac Service
You may have to be Medevaced or transported to Wasilla or Anchorage for care, which can be done in conjunction with either CRNA or Cross Road.





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