Copper Valley Offers Rapid Results In Virus Testing

Copper Valley Has State-of-the-Art Rapid Result Coronavirus Testing A t CRNA In Robert Marshall Facility & At Two Cross Road Clin...

Copper Valley Has State-of-the-Art Rapid Result Coronavirus Testing At CRNA In Robert Marshall Facility & At Two Cross Road Clinicss

 On Wednesday, April 8th, CRNA installed a fast-result high-end coronavirus testing machine.  On Monday, April 13th, Cross Road Medical Center (822-3203) also installed a rapid testing machine, and the next day Cross Road put one at Grizzly Lake at Mile 53 on the Tok Cutoff, where DeDe Duntze runs a small clinic that's open to the public (822-3937). Cross Road requests that due to the limited number of tests people call ahead for prescreening, unless they are seriously ill – in which case they should go to the Glennallen Clinic's urgent care door.  

This is a Copper River Country Journal exclusive interview with Paul Rude, the administrator of CRNA's Robert Marshall medical facility (822-5241) talking about the testing.

You have one testing machine?
Yes, one machine here in the Copper Valley (we have a second machine in our Cantwell clinic). 

How many tests can you do? 
We can conduct tests in as little as 15 minutes. At this time we have a good supply of test kits allowing us to test all qualifying patients.

Who gets tests and how are they determined? 
As long as we have good supplies of test kits, all patients with COVID-19 symptoms can be tested. If there is a shortage of test kits, then priority is determined by Federal and State healthcare authorities. Generally, this gives priority to high risk patients and healthcare providers, with low risk patients being deferred to lower testing priority.

What does "getting a test" mean? How and where will it be done? How is it done? How do you get results back? 
It means a healthcare provider will use a “swab” (something like a q-tip) to gather a sample from deep in the nasal cavity. That’s it. Then the lab takes over and reports the results to the healthcare provider. The healthcare provider will contact the patient with the results.

Please give our readers some discussion of the comparative high tech nature of this test. Who exactly were the "old" tests sent to and how long did they take to get back? How is this different? 

Before Wednesday evening, all test taken in Alaska were sent to one of the state labs for processing. This required mail or travel time in addition to waiting for the lab to work through its backlog of tests. Today, we conduct the entire lab analysis here at our CRNA lab within a few minutes of collecting the sample.

Any idea how common these tests are nationally? 
Federal agencies are quickly approving this lab equipment with special provisional approvals in order to get them to as many sites as possible. Hundreds are reaching healthcare centers throughout the country.

Can the tests be used by all Copper Valley residents? 
Yes, they're available to everyone.

Can you give a brief discussion on uniqueness and importance of these tests as a future means of getting people back to work and why testing is so important. 

In short: Yes, testing will likely be an important part of future return-to-work clearances. To truly prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2 while at the same time allowing limited industries to return to work, entire countries will need to conduct three things: 

1) Mass Testing (test everyone often).
2) Contact Tracing.
3) Strictly Enforced Isolations and Quarantines for both positive and possible cases. This will require a massive amount of testing capacity, with enough test kits to test every Alaskan many times. 

We at CRNA are working hard to prepare for this level of testing capability. In addition to our new rapid-test unit that went into action this Wednesday, we have already ordered a more advanced lab analyzer and COVID-19 testing unit that will increase the quantity and the technical analytical capability of COVID-19 tests. This new lab technology is scheduled to arrive this summer. We will work closely with local employers to provide return-to-work clearance services when Federal and State healthcare authorities issue guidance for this gradual return to work.

Please come and get tested
Please encourage readers to come get tested if they have any of the symptoms of coronavirus The list of symptoms was greatly  expanded this week by CDC and DHSS to include achy joints, GI, headaches, etc. The CRNA Facebook page has a good summary of the qualifying symptoms. We have tests, and are ready to provide them. Save by taking advantage of this service and being tested if you have symptoms. 

Go See The New Listing Of Coronavirus Symptoms:
See New Symptoms Here


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