Meet The Gakona Volunteer Fire Department

Gakona Fire Department: Who They Are & What They Do Here's a n introduction to the Gakona v olunteers... Gakona Volunteer Fir...

Gakona Fire Department: Who They Are & What They Do

Here's an introduction to the Gakona volunteers...

Gakona Volunteer Fire Department (Photo, from GVFD)

Say Hello To The Gakona Volunteer Firefighters

The Gakona Volunteer Fire Department  – known locally as GVFD – is a  Copper Valley fire department with a service area starting at Mile 123 on the Richardson Highway south of Gulkana Village.  Its response area includes the Tok Cutoff to Chistochina and beyond,  and the upper Richardson to Paxson. 
The fire department responds to structural and wildland fires, and to motor vehicle accidents.
This is an all-volunteer group. There are no paid positions. The fire department is served by an active board of directors. Their fire chief is Jason Severs.
The firefighters in the group have years of combined experience and training, having served in other communities as volunteer firefighters and worked as wildland firefighters for the U.S. Forest Service in western states.
During the spring of 2017, three of the crewmembers completed an intensive State of Alaska 220-hour long training course for Firefighter 1 and Hazardous Materials Response. 
Three crewmembers have received EMS training over the past several years and stand ready to provide aid to residents and non-residents alike in their coverage area.
If you're interested in serving with Gakona Volunteer Fire Department, please contact Jason Severs at 907-259-3030.
If you have an emergency, always call 911.     


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