Nicolas Petit Wins Copper Basin 300 For The 5th Time
Nicolas Petit Wins CB300 At Noon On Monday Brent Sass Takes Second, Followed By Jesse Holmes and Matt Hall RACE LIVE TRACKER RACE LIV...
Nicolas Petit Wins CB300 At Noon On Monday
Brent Sass Takes Second, Followed By Jesse Holmes and Matt Hall
Nicolas Petit Wins CB300
This is the 5th time Nicolas Petit has won the race. He finished just about 4 miles ahead of Brent Sass. This year's race has been run at much better temperatures than last year.Because race temperatures were much colder last year, Nicolas Petit missed the race when his truck wouldn't start.
The temperature at race start last year was -44 degrees at Gulkana Airport. Nicolas Petit became a race volunteer and helped mushers get through the very cold conditions.
Brent Sass Takes Second Place
Brent Sass and Nicolas Petit traded first and second spots throughout much of the race, but in the end Nicolas Petit pulled ahead and maintained a 4-mile lead to the finish line.The 2023 race began in downtown Glennallen at Mile 188 of the Glenn Highway on Saturday, at 10 am, January 14th. It ran clockwise around the race route this year.
2023 Musher List
1. Lance Mackey, Honorary Musher
2. Lara Kittelson 3. Anna Hennessy 4. Matt Hall 5. Nicolas Petit 6. Riley Dyche 7. Lauro Eklund 8. Leon Daugherty 9. Jeremy Traska 10. Justin Olnes 11. Gregg Vitello 12. Misha Wiljes 13. Bailey Vitello 14. Jessie Holmes 15. Vickie Justice 16. Brent Sass 17. Cody Strathe 18. Hedda Mosleth 19. Paige Drobny 20. Tucker Costain 21. Joshua Armstrong 22. Louve Tweddell23. Ronald Stiffler 24. Jeffrey Deeter
Only 5 teams had scratched by Monday MorningScratched By Monday Morning:Riley DycheVickie JusticeCody StratheJeffrey DeeterRichie Beattie
2. Lara Kittelson
3. Anna Hennessy
4. Matt Hall
5. Nicolas Petit
6. Riley Dyche
7. Lauro Eklund
8. Leon Daugherty
9. Jeremy Traska
10. Justin Olnes
11. Gregg Vitello
12. Misha Wiljes
13. Bailey Vitello
14. Jessie Holmes
15. Vickie Justice
16. Brent Sass
17. Cody Strathe
18. Hedda Mosleth
19. Paige Drobny
20. Tucker Costain
21. Joshua Armstrong
22. Louve Tweddell
23. Ronald Stiffler
24. Jeffrey Deeter
Only 5 teams had scratched by Monday Morning
Scratched By Monday Morning:
Riley Dyche
Vickie Justice
Cody Strathe
Jeffrey Deeter
Richie Beattie