Two Gakona Residents Charged With Possession Of Heroin During Palmer Traffic Stop, Say Troopers
Troopers Say Child Was Present During Highway Interdiction Team Arrest Location: Palmer Type: MICS 5th x2 Dispatch Text: On 09/01/2023 a...
Troopers Say Child Was Present During Highway Interdiction Team Arrest
Location: Palmer
Dispatch Text:
On 09/01/2023 at approximately 1908 hours, Troopers with the Highway Interdiction Team conducted traffic stop on a Blue Nissan Altima with no plate.
The driver was identified as Spencer McConkey, age 36 and the passenger as Jazmine Gene, age 27, both from Gakona.
Investigation revealed McConkey to be in possession of heroin and Gene to be in possession of heroin and methamphetamine. There was approximately 0.89 grams of Heroin and 0.22 grams of methamphetamine. A child was present during the incident and Office of Child Services was involved. Both parties were arrested for Misconduct Involving a Controlled Substance and released with a date to appear in court.