Pop Up Vaccination Clinics In December Throughout Copper Valley
Important Information On Pop Up Clinics Booster vaccines for those who have received Moderna and J&J vaccines and Pfizer vaccination fo...

Important Information On Pop Up Clinics
Booster vaccines for those who have received Moderna and J&J vaccines and Pfizer vaccination for kids from 5 to 18 will be given at 4 locations on December 15th and 29th.
Gakona CRNA Vaccination Clinic
Wednesday, December 15th
9 am to 11 am
Gulkana CRNA Vaccination Clinic
Wednesday, December 15th
1 pm to 3 pm
Kluti-Kaah CRNA Vaccination Clinic
Wednesday, December 29th
9 am to 11 am
Tazlina CRNA Vaccination Clinic
Wednesday, December 29th
1 pm to 3 pm