Copper River EMS Rededicating Itself To "Having EMS In Every Home" – How You Can Help
Do You Want To Train To Be A First Responder? You're Needed! Sign Up Now Call Below "Like Other Residents In The Copper River ...
Do You Want To Train To Be A First Responder? You're Needed! Sign Up Now Call Below
"Like Other Residents In The Copper River Basin, CREMS Is Concerned"
Copper River EMS Training. (Photo, CREMS) |
The Organization Has A New Administrator and 10 New Local Emergency Trauma Technicians ("ETTs")
March 19th, 2024CREMS News ReleaseFor nearly 40 years, CREMS has been providing emergency medical services for the residents of the Copper River Basin. The last five of those years have been focused on supporting local first responders and increasing the amount of EMS, CPR and First Aid training available in the region. CREMS takes pride in helping each person reach their goal, whether someone only wants to improve their own sense of preparedness or they are interested in joining a local EMS squad and responding to emergencies.It is with great pleasure that CREMS announces that Jolene Nashlund is the new CREMS Administrator (and soon-to-be Executive Director).Jolene brings a wealth of local knowledge and years of experience with numerous local non-profits in roles ranging from Interim Executive Director, Development Director, Board Member, Trustee, and volunteer responder. Jolene has the energy, optimism, and skillset to ensure that CREMS continues to find ways to support EMS in the Copper River service area for many years to come.CREMS is also happy to announce the certification of ten Emergency Trauma Technicians (ETT) from its Spring 2024 ETT class. As of now, four of the students have joined the CREMS fleet of volunteer First Responders. Of the ten, seven of the classmates have decided to take the upcoming Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Bridge class to expand on their knowledge. (Funding for the ETT class and upcoming EMT-1 class are supported by a SAMHSA Rural EMS Training Grant secured by CRNA).Like other residents in the Copper River Basin, CREMS is concerned about the status of EMS in the region. CREMS is aware that Delta Medical Transport is looking to hire an additional ALS crew and expand service here on April 1, 2024 (DMT Facebook job ad).CREMS has also read reports in the Copper River Country Journal that beginning July 1, 2024 there may be no ambulance service in Glennallen.Living rurally and enjoying the many freedoms that come with it also makes us aware of the unseen costs that accompany living in this beautiful paradise. The Copper River Basin depends on volunteers to keep it running smoothly, and CREMS is one of the many organizations that help make it happen.It is CREMS’s mission to have EMS in every home. If you are interested in receiving EMS training or joining CREMS as a volunteer First Responder, please contact Jolene at 907-822-3671 or by email at We’d love to see you reach your goals!