Electrical Panels Controlling Sewer Pumps Submerged. 80 Glennallen Locations Asked Not To Use Drains
EMERGENCY Do Not Use Drains If You Are On Sewer Line In Glennallen ALL SEWAGE PUMPS TURNED OFF Multiple Electrical Panels That Control Pump...

Do Not Use Drains If You Are On Sewer Line In Glennallen
Multiple Electrical Panels That Control Pumping Of Glennallen Sewage To Lagoon Are Under Water
Extensive flooding of Moose Creek as record snowfalls are met with wind and warm temperatures has caused extensive flooding of most of the lowlands of Glennallen on the Glenn Highway.
The sewer system in Glennallen is in a state of emergency, and the organization that operates it asks that all users refrain from using toilets, showers or any drains.
The multiple above-ground electrical panels scattered across Glennallen that control pumping sewage to a lagoon near the "old dump" across from BLM have been submerged in flood waters.
According to Heidi Jacobsen of the Glennallen Improvement Corporation, which operates the sewer system, all pumps are turned off. Sewage can't reach the lagoon without electricity.
One of the panels is in front of the IGA and one at the Tastee Freez, she said. The service panels have a light on top.
There are approximately 80 sewer connections in the system, she said, including those in multiple buildings.
The Glennallen Improvement Corporation asks that nothing be sent down the drain from any of those locations until the emergency is over. There is a possible risk of water contamination, she said. "We hope not," but DEC has been contacted, and the state is sending out emergency service personnel.