Denali Park Area Sees Surge Of "Tourism Related" Covid Cases

July 6th Report Shows 14 Local Covid Cases In Copper Valley Reported  Over 180 Known "Tourism-Related" Cases In Denali Borough Nea...

July 6th Report Shows 14 Local Covid Cases In Copper Valley Reported 

Over 180 Known "Tourism-Related" Cases In Denali Borough Near Denali Park 

Alaska COVID-19 Data Summary

COVID-19 DATA SUMMARY – July 6, 2022

Reporting data for June 29 - July 5, 2022

OVERVIEW – 3,323 new cases | 0 newly reported deaths | 56 hospitalizations 29.2% of Alaskans 5+ boosted

WEEKLY UPDATE - The Alaska Department of Health (DOH) updates all COVID-19 dashboards weekly on Wednesdays. For the latest on COVID-19 in Alaska, read the DOH weekly update and DOH data summaries:


  • Layering protective measures, including vaccination, masking, ventilation, handwashing, physical distancing, testing, and timely treatment help reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
  • Medications that fight COVID-19 are widely available, and most Alaskans are eligible. If you get COVID, don't wait until you get worse: call a health care provider as soon as possible about treatment. Learn more at
  • The Alaska Department of Health encourages Alaskans of all ages to stay up to date on COVID-19 vaccination. Learn more at For questions, call the Alaska COVID-19 Helpline at 907-646-3322.

CASES – DOH this week announced 3,323 new people identified with COVID-19 in Alaska.

2,271 were residents of:

  • 4 - Aleutians East Borough (3 communities)
  • 5 - Anchor Point 
  • 856 - Anchorage
  • 22 - Bethel
  • 32 - Bethel Census Area (13 communities)
  • 5 - Bristol Bay and Lake and Peninsula Combined (5 communities)
  • 1 - Chugach Census Area
  • 19 - Chugiak
  • 14 - Copper River Census Area (3 communities)
  • 3 - Cordova 
  • 3 - Craig
  • 6 - Delta Junction
  • 2 - Denali Borough (2 communities)
  • 11 - Dillingham 
  • 2 - Dillingham Census Area
  • 70 - Eagle River
  • 2 - Ester 
  • 292 - Fairbanks
  • 2 - Fairbanks North Star Borough
  • 5 - Fritz Creek 
  • 3 - Girdwood
  • 90 - Greater Palmer Area
  • 156 - Greater Wasilla Area
  • 7 - Haines 
  • 1 - Healy 
  • 46 - Homer 
  • 7 - Hoonah-Angoon and Yakutat combined (2 communities)
  • 7 - Houston/Big Lake Area
  • 111 - Juneau
  • 33 - Kenai
  • 15 - Kenai Peninsula Borough-North (5 communities)
  • 13 - Kenai Peninsula Borough-South (2 communities)
  • 50 - Ketchikan 
  • 1 - Ketchikan Gateway Borough
  • 39 - Kodiak 
  • 4 - Kodiak Island Borough
  • 31 - Kotzebue 
  • 28 - Kusilvak Census Area (6 communities)
  • 9 - Matanuska-Susitna Borough (2 communities)
  • 3 - Metlakatla 
  • 7 - Nikiski 
  • 2 - Nome 
  • 5 - Nome Census Area (4 communities)
  • 50 - North Pole 
  • 4 - North Slope Borough (4 communities)
  • 10 - Northwest Arctic Borough (4 communities)
  • 3 - Petersburg
  • 6 - Prince of Wales-Hyder Census Area (3 communities)
  • 1 - Prudhoe Bay 
  • 3 - Seward 
  • 29 - Sitka
  • 45 - Soldotna 
  • 6 - Southeast Fairbanks Census Area (4 communities)
  • 8 - Sterling 
  • 3 - Sutton-Alpine 
  • 2 - Tok 
  • 17 - Unalaska
  • 28 - Utqiaġvik 
  • 3 - Valdez 
  • 5 - Willow 
  • 7 - Wrangell
  • 13 - Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area (9 communities)
  • 4 - Residence under investigation

1,052 nonresident cases were identified in:

  • 103 - Anchorage: purpose under investigation
  • 11 - Bristol Bay and Lake and Peninsula combined: purpose under investigation
  • 4 - Copper River Census Area: purpose under investigation
  • 2 - Delta Junction: purpose under investigation
  • 193 - Denali Borough: 186 purpose tourism, 7 purpose under investigation 
  • 5 - Dillingham: purpose under investigation
  • 4 - Eagle River: purpose under investigation
  • 63 - Fairbanks: purpose under investigation
  • 18 - Homer: purpose under investigation
  • 10 - Juneau: purpose under investigation
  • 27 - Kenai: purpose tourism
  • 4 - Ketchikan: purpose under investigation 
  • 1 - Kodiak: purpose under investigation
  • 2 - Nome: purpose under investigation 
  • 7 - North Slope Borough: 4 purpose North Slope oil, 3 purpose under investigation
  • 7 - Palmer: purpose under investigation
  • 2 - Petersburg: purpose under investigation
  • 9 - Seward: 1 purpose seafood, 4 purpose tourism, 4 purpose under investigation
  • 4 - Sitka: purpose under investigation 
  • 82 - Skagway: 80 purpose tourism, 2 purpose under investigation
  • 10 - Soldotna: purpose under investigation
  • 5 - Wasilla: purpose under investigation
  • 33 - Whittier: purpose tourism
  • 1 - Wrangell: purpose under investigation 
  • 414 - At sea: purpose tourism
  • 31 - Location under investigation: 1 purpose seafood, 30 purpose under investigation

21 resident cases were subtracted and 19 nonresident cases were added to the state's overall totals due to data verification procedures, bringing the total number of Alaska resident cases to 264,237 and the total number of nonresident cases to 13,883.

VACCINATIONS – These rates cover all Alaskan residents including those reported by the Department of Defense and Veterans Administration (DoD/VA).

71.8% of Alaskans age 5 and older have received at least their first vaccine dose.

29.2% of all Alaskans 5 and older have received a first booster dose. (This is an approximate measure of the proportion of the population that is up to date on COVID-19 vaccination.) The higher the vaccination rate, the more protected community members are from COVID-19.

See below for region-level percentages of Alaskans ages 5 and older who have received a first booster dose.

  • Juneau Region: 45.3%
  • Other Southeast Region - Northern: 43.4%
  • Y-K Delta Region: 35.8%
  • Other Southeast Region - Southern: 32.5%
  • Anchorage Region: 32.4%
  • Southwest Region: 31.1%
  • Northwest Region: 31.0%
  • Other Interior Region: 29.1%
  • Kenai Peninsula Region: 24.4%
  • Fairbanks North Star Borough: 24.0%
  • Matanuska-Susitna Region: 17.3%

(Note: COVID-19 vaccines are now available for all Alaskans at least 6 months old. Learn more at Vaccination rate data for Alaskans younger than 5 years old is not yet available.)

HOSPITALIZATIONS & DEATHS – A total of 1,252 COVID-19 deaths have been documented among Alaska residents since the beginning of the pandemic.

No new Alaska resident deaths were reported in this week's update. COVID-19 deaths are commonly reported in batches after death certificates are reviewed. Learn more about the process used to report COVID-19 deaths at

There are currently 56 patients diagnosed with COVID-19 who are hospitalized. One of these patients is on a ventilator. The percentage of patients currently hospitalized with COVID-19 is 6.4%.

COMMUNITY CASE RATES – We encourage the public and community leaders to continue to be aware of case rates in their area. Learn more at


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