Utah Man Pleads Guilty For Unlawful Killing Of Dall Sheep In Wrangells In 2021
Not Personally Accompanied By Relative Or Registered Guide Fined $3,700 Location: Glennallen Type: U nlawful take of Dall sheep Dispatch ...

Not Personally Accompanied By Relative Or Registered Guide
Fined $3,700
Location: GlennallenType: Unlawful take of Dall sheep
Dispatch Text:
On 2/5/22, Remington Strong, age 26 of Utah, was summoned to appear in Glennallen District Court for the unlawful take of a Dall sheep by a non-resident, and unlawful possession and transportation of game.Strong was also charged with falsifying a fact on a sealing record and making a false statement on a license application. An investigation by the Alaska Wildlife Troopers revealed Strong, a non-resident, killed a Dall sheep in the Wrangells in 2021 and was not accompanied by a licensed guide, or Alaska resident relative of second degree kindred as required by regulation. Strong is scheduled to appear in Glennallen Court on 2/22/22.UPDATE:
On 6/23/22, Strong entered a guilty plea in Glennallen Court on a criminal charge of unlawfully taking a Dall sheep without being personally accompanied by a relative of second-degree kindred or a registered guide-outfitter. Strong was ordered to forfeit the unlawfully taken Dall sheep and to pay $3700 in fines and restitution.