Copper Valley Veterans: Dana Becker Tribute
Dana Becker, Navy 1978-1982 Dana Becker One of a series of stories submitted by Brandie Radigan, VFW Auxiliary, as we approach Veterans...
Dana Becker, Navy 1978-1982
One of a series of stories submitted by Brandie Radigan,
VFW Auxiliary, as we approach Veterans' Day
VFW Auxiliary, as we approach Veterans' Day
By Will Becker
Dana Becker was in the Navy from 1978-1982 working on a foundry ship. After he got out of the Navy he moved up to Alaska a few years after. He is the longest serving VFW commander in the country at around 40 years.
He is a dedicated man in serving and helping the community and has helped in doing the commanders breakfast for the 4th of July, to running the Zamboni for the school hockey games while my brother and I were playing, to helping lead the Memorial day ceremonies and veteran funerals.
He's a great father and is now mostly enjoying his retirement.