Copper Valley Veterans: Jake Nagengast Tribute
Jacob George Nagengast One of a series of stories submitted by Brandie Radigan, VFW Auxiliary, as we approach Veterans' Day What It ...

Jacob George Nagengast
What It Took
By Abigail Nagengast
Jacob George Nagengast was born in Copper Center Alaska in July 1980 to Phillip and Catherine Nagengast. While Jake was still a young boy, they moved to California where the family would soon meet with tragedy. When Jake was only nine years old his father died, leaving Jake to grow up in his most formative years as the head of the household. Even at such a young age, Jake became the protector of his mother and younger brother. That same protective quality was what drove him to enlist in the US Air Force at the age of eighteen. He believed then, as he does now, that all Americans deserved freedom as long as their freedom didn't take away from another person’s freedom. He proudly served three tours as a Boom Operator, flying over 200 missions throughout the Middle East.
When I met Jake in March of 2013, I knew there was something different about him. It was just supposed to be a date, I had no idea how this man would change my entire life. When we first met, I was so impressed by his passionate approach to life, his energy, and his outlook. It wasn’t until later that I learned with what strength and foundation this passion and energy was formed.
It’s one thing to know that someone served in the military, it’s quite another once you get to know them, to see at what cost and what sacrifice it took for them to serve their country, what it took to become such a strong man. Over the years Jake has shown me such strength, overcoming things from his past, both pre-military, and during his time in the military. Not only did Jake serve during one of the most challenging times of our country’s military history, serving in the wake 9/11 when so much fear and panic was rampant in our country, he also overcame so many challenges in his youth to get to the man he is today.
In 2014 we married, and during our time together Jake has helped me learn more about who I am by showing me both his strengths and his vulnerabilities. In 2016 when we decided to begin our new adventure in Alaska, returning to Jake’s home, I trusted him to support me and lead the way.
Our first year in Alaska was certainly a challenge, however, it showed us, it showed me, just the depth and resilience of this man that I have chosen to share my life with. I could not ask for a better father to my boys or partner in my life. I will not lie and say that we haven’t had some rough times, who hasn’t when they have chosen to join their lives together with someone else and are both learning to grow and evolve into a unit. However, Jake has shown the true depths of his strength and also how vulnerable and tender a man can be. He has never been afraid to face his own demons, to overcome them. I know that he will show my sons how to be strong, capable and compassionate men, who think for themselves and stand strong in the face of opposition. Who could be loving family men as well as warriors.
I am so blessed to have Jake, and I cannot wait to spend the rest of our lives together, watching our sons grow and create lives for themselves on the foundation that we have worked so hard together to create. I'm thankful for his strength and the grounding force he has always been for me. I am so proud of him for always overcoming everything that he has faced with such passion, compassion, and honesty.