VFW Post 10682 & VFW Auxiliary Hand Out Awards at January 15th School Assembly

Essays, Audio Essays, & Teacher Of The Year  Wyatt McGinnis receiving award Story Submitted By VFW Written by Greg Lee & Walt Ingall...

Essays, Audio Essays, & Teacher Of The Year 

Wyatt McGinnis receiving award

Story Submitted By VFW
Written by Greg Lee & Walt Ingalls
Photos by Carol Cozzen 

On January 15th, members of VFW Post 10682, and the VFW Auxiliary, attended an assembly in the Glennallen School gymnasium.  The assembly was held to recognize recent student academic achievement.  

In addition, VFW representatives were on hand to present awards for three separate recognition programs sponsored by Posts within the Department of Alaska, Veterans of Foreign Wars.  Each year, in late summer when classes begin, information is provided to the schools for two scholarship type contests as well as a teacher recognition program.  Each of these programs are open to all schools in the Copper River School District as well as students of Upstream Learning, or other homeschool type programs. 


Patriot’s Pen is an essay contest for students in Grades 6-8. This years theme was “My Voice in America’s Democracy”.  Third Place went to Markus Abbot, Second Place was received by River Bengtson, and Wyatt McGinnis was awarded First Place.  Wyatt’s entry has also been selected at the State Level and will go into National Competition. 


Voice of Democracy is an audio essay contest for those in Grades 9-12. The theme this year was “Is America Today Our Forefather’s Vision?”.  This contest is judged on the written essay content as well as the recorded voice delivery. This year's winning entry and First Place went to Andrew Galt.  Andrew’s submission was also the top winner at State Level and entered into National Competition.

River Bengtson receiving award.


The third program, Teacher of the Year, is conducted through a nomination process.  They can be nominated by other teachers, parents, community members or self nominate.  The  2024-2025 CRSD Teacher of the Year is Deborah Lorence.


Congratulations to everyone who entered these VFW sponsored contests. It is wonderful to identify and recognize each participant.  Additional State Awards from Department will be forthcoming for Wyatt and Andrew, once the Post is provided with the information we will give an update on those.

Andrew Gallt received the Voice of Democracy award 


These programs are held annually, so please encourage your students to participate, it can lead to many opportunities in future educational pursuits as well as instilling a sense of Americanism and being a good Citizen. 


VFW Post 10682, and their Auxiliary, wish to extend a hearty thank you to community members who volunteered to anonymously judge the entries.  We appreciate your assistance. 

Greg Lee, VFW Chairman, Dana Becker VFW Commander giving Debbie Lorence Teacher of the Year Award

Thanks to faculty and staff for providing a venue to conduct our awards, and to your dedication in the education of our youth.  A special thanks to Jared Dale, who served as our point of contact for ensuring information on the contests are made available to all eligible individuals.   



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