Troopers Called By Glennallen School After Undefined "Social Media" Threat
Rough Day At Glennallen School As District Faces Unspecified "Threat" Requiring Law Enforcement Assistance UPDATE: October 27th, ...
Rough Day At Glennallen School As District Faces Unspecified "Threat" Requiring Law Enforcement Assistance
UPDATE: October 27th, 2021
In an abundance of caution on Monday, October 25th, the Copper River School District responded to a possible danger to the school.
The Troopers and the school were alerted to messages on social media that indicated possible threats. In response, Glennallen School did take extra precautions that day to limit entrance in and out of the school. "The person who reported the social media posting did the right thing, and was “smart enough – and willing to say, ‘This is wrong’.” said Superintendent Therese Ashton. Meanwhile an investigation was begun by the Troopers and the school..
The Superintendent did not disclose exactly what the initial posting said, or whether any possibilities of guns were involved.
But she did say that Troopers were involved, and there were messages sent to families as the investigation continued. The doors of the schools were monitored, and Monday’s afternoon school events were cancelled to keep the building secure.
Now, though: “Everything is back to normal. We’re still dealing with the incident and the the situation.”
The Troopers and the school were alerted to messages on social media that indicated possible threats. In response, Glennallen School did take extra precautions that day to limit entrance in and out of the school. "The person who reported the social media posting did the right thing, and was “smart enough – and willing to say, ‘This is wrong’.” said Superintendent Therese Ashton. Meanwhile an investigation was begun by the Troopers and the school..
The Superintendent did not disclose exactly what the initial posting said, or whether any possibilities of guns were involved.
But she did say that Troopers were involved, and there were messages sent to families as the investigation continued. The doors of the schools were monitored, and Monday’s afternoon school events were cancelled to keep the building secure.
Now, though: “Everything is back to normal. We’re still dealing with the incident and the the situation.”
Schools around the country are trained to be alert to threat. As of the end of October, there have been 127 incidents of gunfire on school grounds around the nation, resulting in 26 deaths, and 76 injuries nationwide. So far, none have occurred in Alaska, but on October 12th, 2021, students at both Colony High School and Colony Middle School were placed on a "Stay Put" notice after the Troopers were notified of a man with a long gun walking near a school road.
The man wasn't located, and no arrests were made before the school gave an "All Clear."
Original Story, October 25th, 2021
Earlier in the day, the Copper River School District Facebook site posted the following:
IMPORTANT NOTICE......All school activities on the GLENNALLEN CAMPUS have been cancelled for TODAY including LITTLE DRIBBLERS. If you have any questions, please call Gini Summerall at the Glennallen JR/SR High Front Office at 907-822-5286.
Thank you for your understanding!
Two hours later, the next posting came up, and it was alarming, but not clear, although "safety," cancellations, and "threat levels" involving "law enforcement" were all referenced:
Due to information shared on social media late last night, GHS took precautionary measures to ensure that all students at Glennallen Schools remain safe on site. All afterschool activities are canceled for today. Law enforcement has been contacted and has the situation under control and are working with us to determine the threat level. Glennallen schools look forward to a quick resolution. The safety of our students and staff is our priority. Thank you for your patience.
Then, 3 hours after that, as 5 pm approached, came the next Facebook posting on the official school district site:
Glennallen School took measures to ensure students and staff were physically safe today. Upon further investigation and police action the Glennallen School and afterschool activities will go back to normal tomorrow, Tuesday, Oct. 26. The safety of our students and staff is our priority. Thank you for understanding safety protocols taken today.
Request For More Information
The Copper River Country Journal requested information about what happened from three staff members of the Alaska State Trooper state information department, and from the school district itself.
No further information was forthcoming immediately. By 7 pm Monday night, although State Troopers were apparently involved throughout the day in the episode, the Alaska State Trooper's official state report on the internet hadn't posted anything about Glennallen by 7 pm.
We'll print further information as it becomes available.