And Now, One More Thing... Neil Hannan's One-Man Humanitarian Program Also Distributes Baby Chicks

 1,000 Baby Chicks Distributed To Poor Vietnamese Village Families  Neil Hannan, a Kenny Lake farmer/homesteader, has been going to Vietnam ...

 1,000 Baby Chicks Distributed To Poor Vietnamese Village Families 

Neil Hannan, a Kenny Lake farmer/homesteader, has been going to Vietnam for years. Neil served in Vietnam in the army as a very young man. His personal mission now is to help  the people who knew back then – and others – to get back on their feet 

In addition to providing hundreds of pairs of eyeglasses, his projects this month include delivering chickens to families. Chickens are a well-known method of helping increase family incomes in poorer parts of the world. 

Here's a look at what Neil has been up to recently...

It's Possible For A Single Person To Make A Difference 


Through your generous contributions and with the assistance of Khanh of Hearts for Hue, we delivered 1,000 21-day-old chickens to 20 very poor families in rural Huong Tra village. It was a cool, rainy day, which is better for the chickens than sun and heat. With residual funds from a flood-relief program, we also distributed blankets to each family. And, with the chicken  delivery being late, I walked down the road to purchase treats for everyone patiently waiting. That livened up the group on a rainy morning. I should have an "after" photo, as they were all munching & smiling!

As with the vision projects, a representative of the Vietnam Women's Union was present and helping. They're following me around! Below in the checkered sweater.

The chickens represent a source of food and income for the recipients. Each family received 50 chickens, a waterer, a feeder, and a 50# bag of starter feed. This is a first for the feed.  I am told that, with the price of chickens down, the company tossed in the feed at no charge. How about that?! You've likely seen Mr. Thuong, below, as we've been helping him since 2015. He has just stubs for hands, but works so hard every day

We worked quickly so that folks could get their crowded peepers home and unloaded as soon as possible.

The man in the background in the brown coat is Mr. Thuyen from the local Red Cross. He makes sure that each family gets its 50 chickens. 

You may also recognize Ms. Dung, the woman above holding the chickens, as we helped renovate her house. Before and after photos below:

It took about an hour or so to distribute all 1,000 chickens and help folks load up their motorbikes. With the rain, there was a sense of urgency to get everyone on the trail to home. 

You're making it all happen, folks. These villagers are very poor, hard-working, and so appreciative. We're making a difference!

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