35th Running Copper Basin 300 Sled Dog Race To Start At 10 am January 13th In Glennallen
Race Start: January 13th, 2024 • 10am ROUTE: Glennallen • Chistochina • Meiers • Sourdough • Lake Louise • Tolsona • Glennallen VOLUNTEERS...

Race Start: January 13th, 2024 • 10am
The Copper Basin 300 needs volunteers to make this race work. It is a fun way to be part of a sled dog race and to get out in the dead of winter to experience some of the best sled dog racing in the world. If you are interested in volunteering, please submit the form below. There are three basic areas that need volunteers:
Trail Breaking: Trail breakers go out throughout the winter and run the trail, clear debris, widen the trail, and stake the trail as time draws closer to the race. During the race, trail breakers go out ahead of the race breaking fresh snow as needed, marking reroutes as needed, and making sure the trail is open. If you are interested in helping with trail work, please contact Jason at (907) 320-0503 or email copperbasin300@gmail.com.
Race Central: Race Central is located at the American Legion Hall in downtown Glennallen. Race Central opens Friday prior to the race and is open 24 hours a day until the final musher crosses the finish line sometime Tuesday. This year, Race Central will move from the American Legion to the finish at Old Paths Baptist Church on Monday morning in preparation for the mushers to start arriving. On Friday, Race Central handles all the paperwork for mushers entering the race. This includes shot records, food drop slips, and registration forms. Race Central handles phone calls from the general public wanting information about the progress of the race, including specific mushers and their location. Reports received from checkpoints are carefully recorded. This information is then given to the website managers to enter onto the website. Race Central also handles all paperwork from the judges, vets, and checkers/checkpoints after each checkpoint has closed down. If you are interested in volunteering for Race Central, please email us your name and contact information to copperbasin300@gmail.com.
Checkpoints: There are a variety of other volunteer positions needed during the race. If you are interesting in volunteering at the checkpoints, please contact Amanda Renee at (706) 386-7653 or email copperbasin300@gmail.com.
Checkers are needed at each checkpoint. Checkpoints open ahead of the first musher arriving, and close after the last musher leaves. Each checkpoint is open a different length of time, depending on its location in the race. Checkers check the mandatory equipment in the sled bag as the mushers come in. Checkers usually work in pairs, with one person marking the time and number of dogs on the time sheets, and has the musher sign his/her name, while the other checker is checking the musher’s mandatory gear.
Mushers are also required to check out. Checkers will need to record the time the musher leaves and have them sign the time sheet. Checkers will be needed throughout the day and night. Checkers also phone information from the checkpoint to Race Central. This information includes which musher has come and gone, as well as any musher that may have scratched (withdrawn from the race). Anyone interested in volunteering at checkpoint will be given a thorough explanation prior to being sent out to a checkpoint.
Merchandise Sales: Volunteers are always needed to help with merchandise sales during the race start, finish, and at race central throughout the race. We sell clothing apparel and other CB300 souvenir items. Duties include selling items, accepting cash or credit card, and keeping tables stocked with items. If you are interested in volunteering at the merchandise table, contact Morgan Gantz at (907) 255-7111.
2024 Musher List
1. Sydnie Bahl
2. Michael Parker
3. Justin Olnes
4. Jonah Bacon
5. Sean Williams
6. Tony Angelo
7. Matt Paveglio
8. Nicholas Petit
9. Elke Hall
10. Jessie Holmes
11. Anna Hennessy
12. Matt Randall
13. Josi Thyr
14. Brent Sass
15. Severin Cathry - Withdrew
16. Sarah Giles
17. Kristy Berington
18. Lara Kittelson
19. Michael Dolinar
20. Sadie Lindquist
21. Calvin Daugherty
22. Dallas Seavey
23. Treven Hunter
24. Samantha LaLonde
25. Annette Llanes
26. Paige Drobny
27. Cody Strathe
28. Joey Sabin
29. Matt Hall
30. Jacob Witkop
31. Kelsey Winters
32. Misha Wiljes
33. Klara Fjellborg
34. Ryan Redington
35. Daniel Klein
36. Lauro Eklund
All information from Copper Basin 300 websites