Thanks To Copper Basin Lions Club & Hard-Working Veteran, It's Mission Accomplished!

BRINGING VISION TO A BRUTAL BATTLEGROUND  Thanks to Copper River Basin Lions Club, All Contributors, and Hearts for Hue  Hundreds Of Vietnam...


Thanks to Copper River Basin Lions Club, All Contributors, and Hearts for Hue 
Hundreds Of Vietnamese Now Have Eyeglasses 

It's Mission Accomplished! 
By Neil Hannan of Kenny Lake 

I'm in Dong Ha/Nhi Ha, a brutal battleground in May '68, and finally have a little breathing room to work on getting this blog caught up. On Tuesday, as you know, eyeglasses were distributed to students in need at Quang Phu and Huong Van Schools. At each location, immediately following student distribution, adults were lined up with hopes of obtaining reading glasses.

Officials in the Vietnam Women's Union had coordinated their arrival.

I had brought over 200 pairs, supplied to me by Copper River Basin Lions Club (Alaska). In addition to providing glasses, the Lions Club contributed funds to cover visual screening to facilitate matching each recipient with the proper prescription. Thanks to Billy Williams of Copper River Basin Lions Club for spearheading this project.

The process employed by Dr. Trien was truly impressive. Each hopeful recipient was given a visual exam. My assumption was that this was just to determine the required strength of the reading glasses. I was wrong. Each person received a comprehensive exam, covering both reading and distance.

If just reading glasses were required, the individual was handed the printed out prescription, after which he/she proceeded to the tables where we had grouped the 200 pairs by strength.

We then assisted each person in the selection process. It was a smooth operation.

Now then, if the visual exam revealed a need for distance correction, the individual was directed to Dr. Trien's assistant to consummate the glasses order. Additionally, if we didn't happen to have the exact reading glasses power required, 

In other words, the total visual need of every person that arrived was handled by Dr. Trien and his staff. This was a welcome, refreshing surprise. 

Now then, if the visual exam revealed a need for distance correction, the individual was directed to Dr. Trien's assistant to consummate the glasses order. Additionally, if we didn't happen to have the exact reading glasses power required, he ordered them.  All at no additional cost. This service was above and beyond all expectations. 


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