Multiple Fires Statewide Push Alaska To Higher Level Of Danger & Preparedness

  Alaska moves to Preparedness Level 5 at 7 a.m. Thursday, June 30  BY  ALASKA FIRE PIOS   on   JUNE 29, 2022 The Alaska Multi-Agency Coordi...


Alaska moves to Preparedness Level 5 at 7 a.m. Thursday, June 30 

The Alaska Multi-Agency Coordination (MAC) Group is elevating the state from Preparedness Level 4 to Preparedness Level 5 effective at 7 a.m. Thursday, June 30.

Preparedness Level 5 (PL5) is assigned when large fires that require incident management teams are occurring in several areas simultaneously and is the highest level identified in the Alaska Preparedness Plan. PL5 status means most of the initial and extended attack resources are committed to new and existing fires.

Alaska moves to Preparedness Level 5 at 7 a.m. on June 30, 2022.

Alaska’s Preparedness Level is evaluated daily by the MAC Group and adjusted as conditions dictate. Designations are based on burning conditions, the probability of new ignitions, the potential for extreme fire behavior, predicted weather, and resource availability. They indicate the overall current and expected fire activity on a local basis. The levels range from 1 (minimal activity) to 5 (very high activity).

Wildland fire is a normal part of Interior and Southwest Alaskan ecosystems but protecting people and property is the top priority. High fire years can result in challenges in obtaining enough fire crews and other resources to commit to the field. PL5 status means more firefighting resources can be committed to Alaska.

Fire activity continues to increase across the state. Southwest and Northern Interior Alaska remain highly active with many large fires. Red Flag warnings due to hot and dry conditions are forecast for the Middle Kuskokwim Valley and Western Alaska Range from Thursday afternoon until early Friday. A Fire Weather Watch has been declared throughout most of Northern and Eastern Interior Alaska due to forecasted lighting Friday afternoon and evening. Hot, dry weather will increase the potential for new starts and rapid-fire growth.

According to the Alaska Interagency Coordination Center a total of 353 fires have burned in Alaska this year on more than 1.5 million acres. Currently, 17 of 149 actively burning fires are staffed.

For more information about wildland fire in Alaska, call 907-356-5511or visit


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