47-Year-Old Copper Center Man Charged With DUI, Not Submitting To Test
Troopers Say Man Took Family Vehicle Location: Glennallen Type: DUI, Refusal Dispatch Text: On 06/17/2022 at approximately 2330 hours...

Troopers Say Man Took Family Vehicle
Location: GlennallenType: DUI, Refusal
Dispatch Text:
On 06/17/2022 at approximately 2330 hours, AST received a report of a male who took a family member's vehicle and was intoxicated in Glennallen. AST located the truck and the driver a short time later back at the residence.
The driver was identified as Bernie Martin, age 47 of Copper Center. Martin was intoxicated and could not perform SFST's (Standard Field Sobriety Tests) Martin was arrested for DUI and refused to submit a sample of his breath. Martin was charged with additional charge of refusal to submit to a chemical test. Martin is being held at the Glennallen State Trooper Post pending arraignment.