Spruce Bark Beetle Alert From Alaska Division Of Forestry
Spruce Bark Beetle (For the Journal by David Mudrick) Spruce beetles are actively seeking new trees now through mid July BY ALASKA DIVIS...

Spruce Bark Beetle (For the Journal by David Mudrick) |
Important Seasonal Reminder about the spruce bark beetles in Alaska. The “beetle
period” generally occurs between mid-May to mid-July, during which spruce beetles are actively seeking new trees. Avoid harvesting live spruce or creating fresh spruce slash during the beetle flight period unless logs and slash created during harvesting are able to be promptly processed. This includes milling of the logs, cutting/splitting for firewood, debarking, chipping or burying. Once spruce beetles attack a tree, nothing can be done to reverse the impact of the beetle attacks on the tree.

Learn more with these additional resources:
DOF’s Forest Management and Spruce Beetle Information Page: http://forestry.alaska.gov/insects/sprucebeetle
DOF’s Forest Management and Spruce Beetle publication: https://www.alaskasprucebeetle.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/18/2019/04/AKDOF-FH-Issues-SBB-2018-V2.pdf
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
UAF-Cooperative Extension Service publication on spruce beetle: https://alaskasprucebeetle.open.uaf.edu/…/PMC-100673.pdf