Wildlife Troopers Say "Illegal Moose Hunting Operation" In Mat Valley Involved A "Local Business"
Multiple Kill Sites & Waterway Violations With Three Moose Killed, Troopers Say. Looking For More Tips From Local People Truck, Bulldo...

Multiple Kill Sites & Waterway Violations With Three Moose Killed, Troopers Say. Looking For More Tips From Local People
Location: Matanuska Valley
Dispatch Text:
On September 21, 2022, at 5:45 pm, Alaska Wildlife Troopers were contacted by multiple complainants regarding possible moose hunting violations in the Matanuska Valley. Wildlife Troopers responded to the area and contacted multiple witnesses who alleged two men had killed three moose while hunting and had driven a Fat Truck (similar to a Sherp) into the area, got it stuck, and then drove a bulldozer through public land to recover the machine and illegal moose.
On September 22, 2022, Wildlife Troopers responded to the area in Helo-5 and located multiple kill sites, landed and interviewed one of the suspect hunters.
On September 28, 2022, Wildlife Troopers executed four Search Warrants on the suspect hunters and a local business. Wildlife Troopers seized the Fat Truck and trailer, the bulldozer and trailer along with other items related to the investigation.
DNR and DEC were contacted regarding the egregious habitat and waterway violations that occurred from the vehicles destroying the area where the moose were harvested.
This is an ongoing investigation by Alaska Wildlife Troopers. AWT is requesting that if anyone has information regarding this incident to contact Alaska Wildlife Troopers at: (907) 352-4501 or you can submit a tip anonymously through the AKTips smartphone app or online at https://dps.alaska.gov/AST/Tips.