It's "Bulls Only" In Units 13A & 13B Federal Caribou Hunts, Says BLM
Glennallen Field Office Is Limiting Caribou Taken In The 2023 Federal Subsistence Hunt On June 30th, The State Department Of Fish & Gam...

Glennallen Field Office Is Limiting Caribou Taken In The 2023 Federal Subsistence Hunt
On June 30th, The State Department Of Fish & Game Closed Down Their Entire Nelchina Hunt Due To Poor Herds; Urged Feds To Shut Down Their Hunts, Too
As of July 10, 2023, the BLM Glennallen Field Office is using its delegated authority to limit caribou taken in Game Management Unit 13A and 13B to bulls only for the Unit 13 federal subsistence caribou hunt for the 2023 regulatory year.
The Federal caribou hunt opens August 1st but may close for the 2023 season due to conservation concerns for the Nelchina Herd. Changes to the federal subsistence caribou hunt in Unit 13, including closures, are decisions made by the Federal Subsistence Board.
Please call the BLM prior to hunting and listen for public service announcement updates on the status of the federal caribou hunt. For more information, contact the BLM Glennallen Field Office at (907) 822-3217. The Office of Subsistence Management at (907) 786-3888, or the Federal Subsistence Board at (800) 478-1456.